We loved Maxey’s style when we first discovered her on Instagram, her classic beauty, her modern sense of style. We reached out to her and met Maxey over a glass of wine, and ever since, we've been rooting for each other. She's like that, you know - supportive, kind, crazy intelligent and driven. Maxey followed her instinct and left her full time job last year to build her own brand. Her hard work and passion to champion diverse representation in print and media has landed her in major modeling campaigns, proudly representing a size 18.
As a force to be recognized, we wanted to learn more about Maxey's path that lead her to today - and get a glimpse into her future. Read on!
SRG: Can you describe your career trajectory and what brings you to where you are today?
Maxey: My career has certainly been quite a journey. Since I was a teenager I've had the goal of pursuing a career as a plus size model and doing everything in my power to get there. I've slowly and steadily been building my career over the last 10 years. I always made sure to know every single aspect of this industry and I was constantly observing other models career paths that I wanted to emulate. I owe a large part of my success to the fact that I was able to immerse myself in this industry completely.
SRG: Describe your earliest memory of being interested in fashion.
Maxey: I had an instant obsession with Barbie's (like unhealthy obsession) and making sure their outfits were always perfect. I knew from early on I loved putting looks together and was in love with creating beautiful aesthetics.
SRG: Why do you think street style is important to fashion
culture and why is it important for people to see diverse street style?
Maxey: Street style is incredibly important to the fashion world because it brings high fashion to the masses. A lot of us are so obsessed with what we see on the runway, but we have such a hard time imagining actually wearing any of these extravagant pieces IRL. Street style shows you how to wear it and brings high fashion to the everyday. On top of that when you see it on bodies that you can actually relate to- there's nothing greater!
SRG: What is your personal style most influenced by right now?
Maxey: I think right now I'm being most influenced by bloggers and Instagram feeds. I think it's awesome that we have the capability of being surrounded by beautiful imagery and we’re able to choose the aesthetics we get to look at on social media. I'm really obsessed with anything and everything Nicolette Mason and Danielle Bernstein of We Wore What wear. I'm always trying to find more feeds that I love and can get inspiration from.
SRG: At See Rose Go we champion a woman’s passion, we want to see her go. How have female friends, colleagues, or strangers made a difference in your own path toward a passion or goals?
Maxey: I’m very lucky that I surround myself with empowering women. Some of my closest friends have become my mentors and people I can really look up to. The most important thing to me though is that they're always honest with me and can call me on my BS- that's what friends are for!
SRG: What’s next for you? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Wildest dream scenarios encouraged!
Maxey: A big dream of mine is to get more into video and television, as See Rose Go knows very well, I've always been into creating live videos and doing fashion-forward videos for plus size women. I know that we lack representation on television and its a goal of mine to portray plus size women in a positive light and not to just be featured in weight loss ads. Way more than half of us are plus size and we live amazing and happy lives. Our TVs should reflect that!
Like Maxey's Look?
We love Maxey and what she continues to do for the community. We also love See Rose Go – you guys are awesome. Great pairing!