In this series, we highlight amazing women in the SRG community. Meet Meaghan...
My name is Meaghan O'Connor and I am a fashion stylist and blogger. I'm also a native Long Islander, a beach kid and a proud Aunt.
With hard work, perseverance and a touch of luck, I've somehow landed where I am today. I wouldn't say my journey has been easy, but whose is, right?
I've learned plenty of lessons the hard way, but in the end, the underlying theme is the same: Get up, and show up.
It's that "showing up for yourself" that changes everything.
Like Meaghan's Look?
Shop The Tunic Shirt
I have this sort of unofficial (or official, IDK), mantra. "When you look good, you feel good." It's been a family thing, I guess. Years of being reminded by mom and grandma to "present your best self" and "dress how you want to be addressed."
I couldn’t be more grateful for those reminders, because now, they are the core of my business.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter how busy the day is or how crazy your schedule looks-if you take the 5, 10, 15 (however many minutes) for YOU.
If you take the time to look good, you do in fact feel good. It has a lot to do with the notion of self-love. And I believe what you wear, listen to, read, etc. all impact your day to day.
Like Meaghan's Look?
Shop Layering Vest
So, naturally, when I found a company that was built on a similar notions, I was elated. See Rose Go is all about how the garments make you feel. TO ME, that made sense. Of course, fashion and design matter, but it's what actually happens to the person when they wear the clothing. A Comfortable, versatile pieces that move with you, live with you. A tee that can take you from the farmers market to the stock market!! It's those pieces easily translate into any wardrobe that makes you feel confident, beautiful and accomplished.