I Am Rose - Lexi Stout

Lexi Stout shot by photographer Matt Sayles for See Rose Go quality plus size clothing

Matt Sayles street style photography for Plus Size Fashion brand See Rose Go and Lexi Stout in innovative essentials and timeless style

NYC got a good one when Lexi Stout moved here from Akron, Ohio 6 years ago. This woman who inspires us is loyal to the end of the earth and fiercely driven - all while maintaining a very un-New York laid back attitude. We love Lexi’s ability to embrace the unknown with unwavering chill.

Lexi - how do you do it?! Take a peek…

SRG: Please introduce yourself and use 3 words to describe yourself.

LS: Lexi Stout, Executive Director at VSPOT Medi Spa, a women’s health spa on the Upper East Side. I like to think I’m creative, adventurous and determined.

SRG: You have a recent career change, what lead you to this path and why now? 

LS: I was kind of tossed into this career. I was an assistant and model for years and then my boss started a new company which I really believe in. I stepped in to help her and I haven’t looked back. I’ve learned so much and I can’t wait to grow more within the company and even start something of my own. Women’s health is so important and I had no clue. 

Matt Sayles street style photography for Plus Size Fashion brand See Rose Go and Lexi Stout in innovative essentials and timeless style

SRG: What has been the biggest surprise/ or challenge to you in starting your own project/ podcast? 

LS: I’ve always wanted to work for myself and to create something from scratch. With an entrepreneurial mind set, whether it be as small as a blog or instagram page, I think having something of your own is important. The hardest part is the beginning, taking the leap and believing that you can succeed. You never know what will happen unless you try….ok that was corny, but really! 

SRG: How do you come up with topics for the project/podcast?

LS: My podcast isn’t set to launch until the first quarter of 2019, but my lineup is women from every industry you can think of, plus size models, well-known feminists, entrepreneurs and more! This is going to be a female based podcast, so there’s so much to discuss! I can’t wait to dig into their minds. 

 Matt Sayles street style photography for Plus Size Fashion brand See Rose Go and Lexi Stout in innovative essentials and timeless style

SRG: What keeps you motivated if you’re feeling tapped?

LS: Tapped is the best way to describe me right now. 2018 was such a great year, but it’s been a wild one. I think the best way to stay motivated is to take small breaks, take vacations and reset. I need one right about now!! 

SRG: Who’s the (wo)man you’re inspired by in your life, and why? 

LS: The first person who came to mind is Sarah Blakely, the founder of Spanx. I think she is awesome. She stared a billion dollar company with no college degree and is so positive in every aspect. Sarah also has the cutest little family if you’re looking for someone new to follow on Instagram!

Matt Sayles street style photography for Plus Size Fashion brand See Rose Go and Lexi Stout in innovative essentials and timeless style

SRG: What’s next for you? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Wildest dream scenarios encouraged! 

LS: I really want to work for myself. I love my job, I love the company I work for but I want to have something of my own.  I’m still looking for my niche. I have so many ideas and plans for 2019 I can’t wait for them to unfold. As for 5 years? I have no freaking clue. Still living in Chelsea with my dog? Probably.

SRG: At See Rose Go we champion a woman’s passion, we want to see her go. How have female friends, colleagues, or strangers made a difference in your own path toward a passion or goals?

LS: The people who I surround myself with have a huge impact on my life. I have made some of the greatest friends in New York and these last 6 years have been some of the best years of my life. I’m not picky with friends, but if I don’t think it’s a positive relationship, I don’t keep them around. There was one year I was really down on myself, I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, I had zero motivation to figure it out and I almost moved back to Ohio. Had one human not said the words, “Lexi, if you move back to Ohio you’re still going to be the same person and have the same struggles. You might as well stay here to figure it out”, I wouldn’t be here right now. 

SRG: Complete this sentence. I last felt inspired when I

LS: Recorded my first podcast!!

Matt Sayles street style photography for Plus Size Fashion brand See Rose Go and Lexi Stout in innovative essentials and timeless style

Like Lexi’s Look?

Innovative essentials from See Rose Go featuring cooling wicking material CoolRose with Mindy Scott Chicago Plus size influencer @mindycityy



Photography: Matt Sayles @msayles

Hair & MakeUp:@geovannanyc


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