Hello Friends!
We hope you and loved ones are staying well. We are checking in to say hello and let you know what's going on here at See ROSE Go.
We are globally experiencing something together, processing it differently, but still united in our empathy. Beyond being a brand, we are people and we have a strong desire to do something GOOD. We are a small fashion start-up but want to give what we can toward our community that has always supported us.
To show our gratitude and give back, we have designated 100 beautiful pieces of See ROSE Go clothing to gift Front Line Workers, the everyday heroes among us. We need your help nominating any FLW you know that is tirelessly carrying on, so that others can stay supplied and safe. We hope this small gesture of gratitude will go a long way with some very important someones.
When we launched See ROSE Go, it was just the two of us. We are so grateful for your ongoing support. Thank you for your help in nominating a Front Line Worker who would enjoy SRG (in sizes 14-24) and know we are thankful you are here with us too!
Please email me directly to make a nomination! erin@seerosego.com