It is a very powerful experience to see ROSE come to life before us. There are millions of ROSES, all part of us and all awe inspiring (Our collective jaw meets the floor with each of these interviews!) The differences between each woman echoing outward is part of the power and learning we share in meeting diverse ROSES. It is the mind-set that connects us. Getting to know Allison Davis we immediately recognize her ROSE sensibility at the very epicenter of our vision. Allison is making her mark, her ambition includes others, her positive attitude is infectious, she is not confined by rules, is a giver and a fighter. What can we learn from Allison? A lot...
SRG: We think you have such a cool story! Tell us about your path and what makes you the woman you are today.
AD: Why, thank you — I think the same of See Rose Go! It’s not everyday someone asks what makes me the woman I am today — I had to give this one a long think. I was an outspoken and outgoing kid, one of my first jobs in high school was as an on-air radio deejay. I had the voice of a 40-year-old woman when I was 16, and I kept calling radio stations from the pay phone at school until I found one that would give me a job! Since then, I’ve been quick to say yes to exciting opportunities, whether that be writing a love & sex advice column, moving to New York from Vermont at 31, or appearing in a reality show (don’t Google it — it’s mortifying).
I’m happiest when I’m igniting growth in myself and others, which is why I eventually left a 16-year career in media sales and started my own business. Now I get to spend my days coaching mostly women entrepreneurs and founders to step fully into their worth and embrace sales with confidence. When these women get to do more of what they do best, they make the world a better place — I love witnessing their success!
SRG: A one liner that would describe you is…?
AD: “I get by with a little help from my friends.” I am lucky to be surrounded by an incredible network of friends, family and colleagues. Without their support, I wouldn’t be able to do half the cool stuff I get to do — they truly have my back. When clients ask what they can do to strengthen their businesses, I tell them to build their networks, get a mastermind, connect with others and be generous — it takes a village! Case in point, I met See Rose Go at Luminary, a connection hub for women in New York — meeting other kick-ass women motivates and inspires me.
SRG: Tell us about a time you were afraid to do something, but did it anyway! What was the motivator?
AD: Just one?! I’m a firm believer that the most rewarding things in life can be a bit scary to do, so I’ve been afraid many times. The scariest thing I’ve ever done was to leave my life in Vermont and move to New York. I was 31 years old and had no idea what I was doing, but it turned out to be one of the most exhilarating times in my life — I got to work for impactful brands like National Geographic and Gabrielle Bernstein before starting my own business. I fell in love with the man who would become my husband (who was my neighbor in Harlem). And I met so many inspiring women who would become lifelong friends. I’m grateful for the courage it took to make the move, even if I still miss my friends in Vermont.
SRG: When do you feel the most powerful in life?
AD: When I’m in tune with my inner wisdom, listening to my intuition and acting accordingly. To be aligned with that inner wisdom, though, I have to be practicing good self-care and making time to meditate, journal and just relax. If I let the busyness and overwhelm of daily life take over, that inner voice gets way harder to hear.
SRG: When do you feel the most vulnerable?
AD: I feel vulnerable whenever I’m trying something new — which, over the past couple years, has been most of the time! I’m a recovering perfectionist, so taking leaps of faith — especially when it comes to business — can be challenging for me. But, much like the previous question about fear, if I’m not feeling a little vulnerable, that means I’m not putting myself out there enough. Some vulnerability is good.
SRG: Sales can have a masculine persona connotation. How are you re-defining sales for the female entrepreneur?
AD: I love this question. Many people will recall Alec Baldwin’s iconic line in Glengarry Glen Ross: “ABC — ALWAYS BE CLOSING!” He’s the epitome of a sleazy salesman. I work with my clients to redefine “ABC” as “ALWAYS BE CONNECTING.” At the end of the day, sales is really about soft skills, which women have in spades — listening, communicating, empathizing, problem solving. Unfortunately, I see too many women unsure how to claim their worth and command the value they deserve. I’m on a mission to change that — we’re too good for that nonsense! As women, if we can step into confidence around the transformational benefits of the services and products we’re offering, we become unstoppable.
SRG: You are a woman on the go, what do you look for as most important to you in clothing? And what are your favorite fashion hacks?
AD: I use clothing as a means to feel powerful and confident. As a woman entrepreneur, I experience a full range of emotions each day — from totally in control and blissfully happy to totally out of my element and ready to throw in the towel. It’s wild! But if I feel put together and fashionable, I bounce back quicker during those times of self-doubt.
One of my favorite fashion tricks is to wear a statement suit or outfit to conferences and networking events. I don’t always feel like initiating conversations, and if I’m wearing something fabulous, other women inevitably strike up conversations with me — especially in line for the ladies room. I’ve done quite a lot of business in those lines
SRG: Top 3 style icons you look to emulate or curate in your own style?
AD: Growing up fat (a word I embrace), I shied away from fashion and never looked up to any style icons — I didn’t see many women or girls who looked like me. But now, inspiration is everywhere! My icons are today’s hardworking plus-size bloggers who are out there trying on every new line and reporting back on social — they’re my heroes! I’m currently obsessed with Kellie Brown (@itsmekellieb), Sarah Chiwaya (@curvily), and Kelly Augustine (@kellyaudustineb). I check their Instagram feeds daily to see what they’re wearing and regularly try to emulate their style.
SRG: What’s next for you? Wildest dream scenarios encouraged!
AD: I’m going to keep working to support women entrepreneurs and founders who are committed to their own growth. That’s truly the dream. Oh, and maybe a couple beach vacations and some more fabulous pieces from See Rose Go!
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